Education and Training #
Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents. - John Taylor Gatto
Modern schooling has been terrible for years. Following the covid insanity and the addition of woke politics the schools are proving less and less value by the day. But education can be done through a vareity of methods. In the modern age their are many better ways to educate yourself and your children than traditional school.
Alternative Schools #
Options for schools that are close to the traditional model, but do something different.
Western Governors University - While still suffering from some of the issues of traditional education, WGU provides a solid alternative for anyone who still wants to pursue traditional college degrees. Offering Bachelors and Masters programs in IT, Business, Nursing, Finance and Education. WGU is a completely online school, with relatively cheap degree programs that are performance based, meaning you can take the classes at your own pace and are not required to attend classes you dont need.
Montessori Schools - Montessori classrooms are ideal workplaces, where children are engaged, energetic, exploring, social, and most of all, learning to take ownership of their own education. They’re also unified communities in which each child understands the responsibility of being an individual student in the class while supporting the learning of others.
Alternatives to School #
Praxis - Praxis is an intense personal and professional development program for young adults who want to work hard, build skills, learn how to create value, and develop a positive vision of the future for their lives and careers. Praxis is a college alternative that offers a 1 year practical devopment plan that ends up teaching you real world practical skills and connecting you with an intership at the end of your program.
- - Unschooling and peaceful parenting educational organization. Unschooling is an alternative to traditional schooling and even home schooling that works to encourage and focus and direct children’s natural curiosity.
Unschooling Resources with Dayna Martin - Dayna Martin has been living and breathing Unschooling for 2 decades, while also working to educate many others on these principles. You can find many of the best unschooling resources here.
Mises Econ Grad Progam - Economics Grad program that teaches free market Austrian Economics from one of the most prominent liberty focused think tanks.
Liberty Classroom - A wide range of courses. Mostly focused on history but offers other courses on econimics and logics. All courses are taught from a liberty perspective. Founded by Liberty author and Podcast host Tom Woods.
School of Life - A course to help you enhance whatever you’re working on. Provides biweekly webinars from the best liberty minds to bring your practile and actionable advice for your business, non Profit, cause or whatever else you’re working on. Founded by Liberty author and Podcast host Tom Woods.
ThinkExodus - Exodus Institute aims to provide families with a quality alternative to public schools, and support homeschool families with enrichment courses that foster critical thinking, academic skills, and counter the left-wing indoctrination found in education, culture, and the media.
TenToad - A program that helps families transition to a school-free life with a solid foundation of knowledge and the tools to get started with confidence. Embrace living and learning without school.
Homeschool Resources #
Ron Paul Curriculum - A liberty focused home school curriculum for all grades based on the ideas of former congressman Ron Paul. The curriculum was largely designed by Liberty Classroom founder, Tom Woods.
Power Home School - Power Homeschool is the official provider of online Acellus® courses for parents independently homeschooling their children without teacher support. Power is a not an accredited curriculum.
Acellusacademy - Acellus Academy is a K-12 online private school located in Kansas City, Missouri as a 501c3. Acellus Academy provides instruction online through distance education via the Acellus Learning System. Acellus, a program of the International Academy of Science, is an online learning system that has been used to provide primary instruction to millions of students in thousands of schools throughout the United States.
Home School Legal Defense Association - With over 100,000 member families, Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is the nation’s largest, most trusted homeschool advocacy organization.