
Hacking #

“The truth is revealed by removing things that stand in its light, an art not unlike sculpture, in which the artist creates, not by building, but by hacking away.” - Alan Watts

Welcome to the Hacking section of Liberty tools! Hacking should be used to increase your knowledge and harden your defenses. Please use these tools responsibly.

Anonymity #

  • Tor – Free software and onion routed overlay network that helps you defend against traffic analysis.

  • OnionScan – One of the Hacking Tools for investigating the Dark Web by finding operational security issues introduced by Tor hidden service operators.

  • I2P – The Invisible Internet Project.

  • Nipe – Script to redirect all traffic from the machine to the Tor network.

  • What Every Browser Knows About You – Comprehensive detection page to test your own Web browser’s configuration for privacy and identity leaks.

Bug Bounty Platforms #

  • Bugcrowd List - List of many companies that provide bug bounties.

CTF(Capture the flag) #

  • Ctf-tools – Collection of setup scripts to install various security research tools easily and quickly deployable to new machines.

  • Pwntools – Rapid exploit development framework built for use in CTFs.

  • RsaCtfTool – Decrypt data enciphered using weak RSA keys, and recover private keys from public keys using a variety of automated attacks.

DDoS #

  • LOIC – Open source network stress tool for Windows.

  • JS LOIC – JavaScript in-browser version of LOIC.

  • SlowLoris – DoS tool that uses low bandwidth on the attacking side.

  • HOIC – Updated version of Low Orbit Ion Cannon, has ‘boosters’ to get around common counter measures.

  • T50 – Faster network stress tool.

  • UFONet – Abuses OSI layer 7 HTTP to create/manage ‘zombies’ and to conduct different attacks using; GET/POST, multithreading, proxies, origin spoofing methods, cache evasion techniques, etc.

Defense Evasion #

  • Veil – Generate metasploit payloads that bypass common anti-virus solutions.

  • Hyperion – Runtime encryptor for 32-bit portable executables (“PE .exes”).

  • AntiVirus Evasion Tool (AVET) – Post-process exploits containing executable files targeted for Windows machines to avoid being recognized by antivirus software.

  • PeCloak.py – Automates the process of hiding a malicious Windows executable from antivirus (AV) detection.

  • PeCloakCapstone – Multi-platform fork of the peCloak.py automated malware antivirus evasion tool.

  • UniByAv – Simple obfuscator that takes raw shellcode and generates Anti-Virus friendly executables by using a brute-forcable, 32-bit XOR key.

Defcon Suggested Reading #

Email Spoofing #

  • SpoofBox - Offers email, SMS, Phone spoofing and lots of other tools. Not a free service. Can also be used to look up phone numbers.

Exploit Development #

File Format Analysis #

  • Kaitai Struct – File formats and network protocols dissection language and web IDE, generating parsers in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby.

  • Veles – Binary data visualization and analysis tool.

  • Hachoir – Python library to view and edit a binary stream as tree of fields and tools for metadata extraction.

Forensics #

  • Autopsy - Full suite of open source forensics tools

  • SIFT Workstation - The SIFT Workstation is a collection of free and open-source incident response and forensic tools designed to perform detailed digital forensic examinations in a variety of settings, all built inside an Ubuntu VM.

  • Paladin Forensic Suite - Live Ubuntu distro with lots of tools. Open source with free and paid versions.

  • CAINE - CAINE is Linux Live CD that contains a wealth of digital forensic tools. Features include a user-friendly GUI, semi-automated report creation and tools for Mobile Forensics, Network Forensics, Data Recovery and more.

  • SMART - Open source sampling of many proprietary forensics tools

  • FTK Imager - Open Source Disk imaging tool

GNU/Linux Utilities #

Hacking Focused OSINT #

  • Maltego – One of the Hacking Tools and Proprietary software for open source intelligence and forensics, from Paterva.

  • theHarvester – E-mail, subdomain and people names harvester.

  • creepy – Geolocation OSINT tool.

  • metagoofil – Metadata harvester.

  • Google Hacking Database – Database of Google dorks; can be used for recon.

  • Google-dorks – Common Google dorks and others you probably don’t know.

  • GooDork – Command line Google dorking tool.

  • dork-cli – Command line Google dork tool.

  • Censys – Collects data on hosts and websites through daily ZMap and ZGrab scans.

  • Shodan – World’s first search engine for Internet-connected devices.

  • [recon-ng](https://github.com/lanmaster53/recon-ng – One of the Hacking Tools Full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python.

  • github-dorks – CLI tool to scan Github repos/organizations for potential sensitive information leak.

  • vcsmap – Plugin-based tool to scan public version control systems for sensitive information.

  • Spiderfoot – Multi-source OSINT automation tool with a Web UI and report visualizations

  • BinGoo – GNU/Linux bash based Bing and Google Dorking Tool.

  • fast-recon – Perform Google dorks against a domain.

  • snitch – Information gathering via dorks.

  • Sn1per – ons of the Hacking Tools for Automated Pentest Recon Scanner.

  • Threat Crowd – Search engine for threats.

  • Virus Total – VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.

  • DataSploit – OSINT visualizer utilizing Shodan, Censys, Clearbit, EmailHunter, FullContact, and Zoomeye behind the scenes.

  • AQUATONE – Subdomain discovery tool utilizing various open sources producing a report that can be used as input to other tools.

  • Intrigue – Automated OSINT & Attack Surface discovery framework with powerful API, UI and CLI.

  • ZoomEye – Search engine for cyberspace that lets the user find specific network components.

Hacking Conventions #

  • DEF CON – Annual hacker convention in Las Vegas. Known for having a left wing bias.
  • Black Hat – Annual security conference in Las Vegas.
  • BSides – Framework for organising and holding security conferences.
  • CCC – Annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany.
  • PhreakNIC – Technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee.
  • ShmooCon – Annual US East coast hacker convention.
  • CarolinaCon – Infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina.
  • CHCon – Christchurch Hacker Con, Only South Island of New Zealand hacker con.
  • SummerCon – One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer.
  • Hack.lu – Annual conference held in Luxembourg.
  • Hackfest – Largest hacking conference in Canada.
  • HITB – Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands.
  • Troopers – Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Hack3rCon – Annual US hacker conference.
  • ThotCon – Annual US hacker conference held in Chicago.
  • LayerOne – Annual US security conference held every spring in Los Angeles.
  • DeepSec – Security Conference in Vienna, Austria.
  • SkyDogCon – Technology conference in Nashville.
  • DefCamp – Largest Security Conference in Eastern Europe, held annually in Bucharest, Romania.
  • AppSecUSA – Annual conference organized by OWASP.
  • BruCON – Annual security conference in Belgium.
  • Infosecurity Europe – Europe’s number one information security event, held in London, UK.
  • Nullcon – Annual conference in Delhi and Goa, India.
  • RSA Conference USA – Annual security conference in San Francisco, California, USA.
  • Swiss Cyber Storm – Annual security conference in Lucerne, Switzerland.
  • Virus Bulletin Conference – Annual conference going to be held in Denver, USA for 2016.
  • Ekoparty – Largest Security Conference in Latin America, held annually in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 44Con – Annual Security Conference held in London.
  • BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress, annually held in Novi Sad, Serbia.
  • FSec – FSec – Croatian Information Security Gathering in Varaždin, Croatia.

Hash Cracking #

  • John the Ripper – One of the best Hacking Tools for Fast password cracker.

  • Hashcat – Another One of the Hacking Tools The more fast hash cracker.

  • CeWL – Generates custom wordlists by spidering a target’s website and collecting unique words.

  • JWT Cracker – Simple HS256 JWT token brute force cracker.

  • Rar Crack – RAR bruteforce cracker.

  • BruteForce Wallet – Find the password of an encrypted wallet file (i.e. wallet.dat).

Hex Editors #

  • HexEdit.js – Browser-based hex editing.

  • Hexinator – World’s finest (proprietary, commercial) Hex Editor.

  • Frhed – Binary file editor for Windows.

  • 0xED – Native macOS hex editor that supports plug-ins to display custom data types.

Information Security Magazines #

Lock Picking Resources #

macOS Utilities #

Multi-paradigm Frameworks #

  • Metasploit – post exploitaion Hacking Tools for offensive security teams to help verify vulnerabilities and manage security assessments.

  • Armitage – Java-based GUI front-end for the Metasploit Framework.

  • Faraday – Multiuser integrated pentesting environment for red teams performing cooperative penetration tests, security audits, and risk assessments.

  • ExploitPack – Graphical tool for automating penetration tests that ships with many pre-packaged exploits.

  • Pupy – Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, macOS, Android) remote administration and post-exploitation tool,

Network Tools #

  • Zmap – Open source network scanner that enables researchers to easily perform Internet-wide network studies.

  • Nmap – Free security scanner for network exploration & security audits.

  • Pig – one of the Hacking Tools forGNU/Linux packet crafting .

  • Scanless – Utility for using websites to perform port scans on your behalf so as not to reveal your own IP.

  • Tcpdump/libpcap – Common packet analyzer that runs under the command line.

  • Wireshark – Widely-used graphical, cross-platform network protocol analyzer.

  • Network-Tools.com – Website offering an interface to numerous basic network utilities like ping, traceroute, whois, and more.

  • Netsniff-ng – Swiss army knife for for network sniffing.

  • Intercepter-NG – Multifunctional network toolkit.

  • SPARTA – Graphical interface offering scriptable, configurable access to existing network infrastructure scanning and enumeration tools.

  • Dnschef – Highly configurable DNS proxy for pentesters.

  • DNSDumpster – one of the Hacking Tools for Online DNS recon and search service.

  • CloudFail – Unmask server IP addresses hidden behind Cloudflare by searching old database records and detecting misconfigured DNS.

  • Dnsenum – Perl script that enumerates DNS information from a domain, attempts zone transfers, performs a brute force dictionary style attack, and then performs reverse look-ups on the results.

  • Dnsmap – One of the Hacking Tools for Passive DNS network mapper.

  • Dnsrecon – One of the Hacking Tools for DNS enumeration script.

  • Dnstracer – Determines where a given DNS server gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers.

  • Passivedns-client – Library and query tool for querying several passive DNS providers.

  • Passivedns – Network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup.

  • Mass Scan – best Hacking Tools for TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.

  • Zarp – Network attack tool centered around the exploitation of local networks.

  • Mitmproxy – Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.

  • Morpheus – Automated ettercap TCP/IP Hacking Tools .

  • Mallory – HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH.

  • SSH MITM – Intercept SSH connections with a proxy; all plaintext passwords and sessions are logged to disk.

  • Netzob – Reverse engineering, traffic generation and fuzzing of communication protocols.

  • DET – Proof of concept to perform data exfiltration using either single or multiple channel(s) at the same time.

  • Pwnat – Punches holes in firewalls and NATs.

  • Dsniff – Collection of tools for network auditing and pentesting.

  • Dgcd – Simple Unix network utility to extend the accessibility of TCP/IP based network services beyond firewalls.

  • Smbmap – Handy SMB enumeration tool.

  • Scapy – Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.

  • Dshell – Network forensic analysis framework.

  • Debookee – Simple and powerful network traffic analyzer for macOS.

  • Dripcap – Caffeinated packet analyzer.

  • Printer Exploitation Toolkit (PRET) – Tool for printer security testing capable of IP and USB connectivity, fuzzing, and exploitation of PostScript, PJL, and PCL printer language features.

  • Praeda – Automated multi-function printer data harvester for gathering usable data during security assessments.

  • Routersploit – Open source exploitation framework similar to Metasploit but dedicated to embedded devices.

  • Evilgrade – Modular framework to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates.

  • XRay – Network (sub)domain discovery and reconnaissance automation tool.

  • Ettercap – Comprehensive, mature suite for machine-in-the-middle attacks.

  • BetterCAP – Modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework.

  • CrackMapExec – A swiss army knife for pentesting networks.

  • Impacket – A collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.

Operating Systems #

Physical Hacking Tools #

  • Hak5.org - Sells many hacking for wifi pentesting, hotplug attacks, implants, remote access field kits and more. Breakdown of multiple tools

  • LAN Turtle – Covert “USB Ethernet Adapter” that provides remote access, network intelligence gathering, and MITM capabilities when installed in a local network.

  • USB Rubber Ducky – Customizable keystroke injection attack platform masquerading as a USB thumbdrive.

  • Poisontap – Siphons cookies, exposes internal (LAN-side) router and installs web backdoor on locked computers.

  • WiFi Pineapple – Wireless auditing and penetration testing platform.

  • Flipperzero.one - Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks in a toy-like body. It loves hacking digital stuff, such as radio protocols, access control systems, hardware and more. It’s fully open-source and customizable, so you can extend it in whatever way you like. Check out more firmware options here

  • Anof-cyber/APTRS - APTRS (Automated Penetration Testing Reporting System) is an automated reporting tool in Python and Django. The tool allows Penetration testers to create a report directly without using the Traditional Docx file. It also provides an approach to keeping track of the projects and vulnerabilities.

  • Canarytokens.org - Canarytokens are a free, quick, painless way to help defenders discover they’ve been breached by having attackers announce themselves. These are digital honeypots you can configure on your own network.

Penetration Testing Resources #

Pentest Tools #

Penetration Testing Distributions #

  • Kali – GNU/Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing Hacking Tools

  • ArchStrike – Arch GNU/Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts.

  • BlackArch – Arch GNU/Linux-based distribution with best Hacking Tools for penetration testers and security researchers.

  • Network Security Toolkit (NST) – Fedora-based bootable live operating system designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed open source network security applications.

  • Pentoo – Security-focused live CD based on Gentoo.

  • BackBox – Ubuntu-based distribution for penetration tests and security assessments.

  • Parrot – Distribution similar to Kali, with multiple architectures with 100 of Hacking Tools.

  • Fedora Security Lab – Provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies.

  • The Pentesters Framework – Distro organized around the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), providing a curated collection of utilities that eliminates often unused toolchains.

  • AttifyOS – GNU/Linux distribution focused on tools useful during Internet of Things (IoT) security assessments.

Docker for Penetration Testing #

  • docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker 
  • docker pull owasp/zap2docker-stable – 
  • docker pull wpscanteam/wpscan – 
  • docker pull citizenstig/dvwa – 
  • docker pull wpscanteam/vulnerablewordpress – 
  • docker pull hmlio/vaas-cve-2014-6271 – 
  • docker pull hmlio/vaas-cve-2014-0160 – 
  • docker pull opendns/security-ninjas – 
  • docker pull diogomonica/docker-bench-security – 
  • docker pull ismisepaul/securityshepherd – 
  • docker pull danmx/docker-owasp-webgoat – 
  • docker-compose build && docker-compose up – 
  • docker pull citizenstig/nowasp – 
  • docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop – 
  • docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker – 
  • docker pull phocean/msf – 

Penetration Testing Report Templates #

Ransomware Recovery #

  • Nomoreransom - Help detetect what kind of ransomware encryption you’are affected by and free tools to unlock it, in many but not all cases.

Reverse Engineering Tools #

  • Interactive Disassembler (IDA Pro) – Proprietary multi-processor disassembler and debugger for Windows, GNU/Linux, or macOS; also has a free version, IDA Free.

  • WDK/WinDbg – Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg.

  • OllyDbg – x86 debugger for Windows binaries that emphasizes binary code analysis.

  • Radare2 – Open source, crossplatform reverse engineering framework.

  • x64dbg – Open source x64/x32 debugger for windows.

  • Immunity Debugger – Powerful way to write exploits and analyze malware.

  • Evan’s Debugger – OllyDbg-like debugger for GNU/Linux.

  • Medusa – Open source, cross-platform interactive disassembler.

  • Plasma – Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-codewith colored syntax code.

  • Peda – Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.

  • dnSpy – one of the Hacking Tools to reverse engineer .NET assemblies.

  • Binwalk – Fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images.

  • PyREBox – Python scriptable Reverse Engineering sandbox by Cisco-Talos.

  • Voltron – Extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python.

  • Capstone – Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.

  • rVMI – Debugger on steroids; inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool.

  • Frida – Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.

Security Courses #

Side-channel Tools #

  • ChipWhisperer – Complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks.

Social Engineering #

  • Social Engineer Toolkit (SET) – Open source pentesting framework designed for social engineering featuring a number of custom attack vectors to make believable attacks quickly.

  • Social Engineering Framework – Information resource for social engineers.

  • King Phisher – One of the Hacking Tools for Phishing campaign toolkit used for creating and managing multiple simultaneous phishing attacks with custom email and server content.

  • Evilginx – MITM attack framework used for phishing credentials and session cookies from any Web service.

  • wifiphisher – Automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks.

  • Catphish – Tool for phishing and corporate espionage written in Ruby.

  • Beelogger – Tool for generating keylooger.

Static Analyzers #

  • Brakeman – Static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.

  • Cppcheck – Extensible C/C++ static analyzer focused on finding bugs.

  • FindBugs – Free software static analyzer to look for bugs in Java code.

  • Sobelow – Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework.

  • Bandit – Security oriented static analyser for python code.

Transport Layer Security Tools #

  • SSLyze – Fast and comprehensive TLS/SSL configuration analyzer to help identify security mis-configurations.

  • TLS Prober – Fingerprint a server’s SSL/TLS implementation.

  • Testssl.sh – Command line tool which checks a server’s service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as some cryptographic flaws.

Tools, Lists, Tutorials etc. #

Virtual Machines Labs #

  • Vulnerability Hub - Free Virtual machines to hack, provided by the community.

  • Vulnmachines - A place to learn and improve penetration testing/ethical hacking skills for FREE. The labs consist of 100+ real world scenarios to practice the latest exploits and cutting edge hacking techniques.

  • Sadcloud - Sadcloud is a tool for spinning up insecure AWS infrastructure with Terraform.

  • CFTtime - Free capture the flag hacking games.

  • Pentesterlab Free and paid Pentesting training with labs.

  • MindMaps - Massive list of smaller sites that provide individual hacking challenges.

Vulnerability Databases #

  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) – Dictionary of common names (i.e., CVE Identifiers) for publicly known security vulnerabilities.

  • National Vulnerability Database (NVD) – United States government’s National Vulnerability Database provides additional meta-data (CPE, CVSS scoring) of the standard CVE List along with a fine-grained search engine.

  • US-CERT Vulnerability Notes Database – Summaries, technical details, remediation information, and lists of vendors affected by software vulnerabilities, aggregated by the United States Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT).

  • Full-Disclosure – Public, vendor-neutral forum for detailed discussion of vulnerabilities, often publishes details before many other sources.

  • Bugtraq (BID) – Software security bug identification database compiled from submissions to the SecurityFocus mailing Penetration testing tools list and other sources, operated by Symantec, Inc.

  • Exploit-DB – Non-profit project hosting exploits for software vulnerabilities, provided as a public service by Offensive Security.

  • Microsoft Security Bulletins – Announcements of security issues discovered in Microsoft software, published by the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC).

  • Microsoft Security Advisories – Archive of security advisories impacting Microsoft software.

  • Mozilla Foundation Security Advisories – Archive of security advisories impacting Mozilla software, including the Firefox Web Browser.

  • Packet Storm – Compendium of exploits, advisories, tools, and other security-related resources aggregated from across the industry.

  • CXSecurity – Archive of published CVE and Bugtraq software vulnerabilities cross-referenced with a Google dork database for discovering the listed vulnerability.

  • SecuriTeam – Independent source of software vulnerability information.

  • Vulnerability Lab – Open forum for security advisories organized by category of exploit target.

  • Zero Day Initiative – Bug bounty program with the publicly accessible archive of published security advisories, operated by TippingPoint.

  • Vulners – Security database of software vulnerabilities.

  • Inj3ct0r (Onion service) – Exploit marketplace and vulnerability information aggregator.

  • [Open Source Vulnerability (OSV)](https://osv.dev/ – Historical archive of security vulnerabilities in computerized equipment, no longer adding to its vulnerability database as of April, 2016.

Vulnerability Scanners #

  • Nexpose – Commercial vulnerability and risk management assessment engine that integrates with Metasploit, sold by Rapid7.

  • Nessus – Commercial vulnerability management, configuration, and compliance assessment platform, sold by Tenable. Free for under 25 devices.

  • OpenVAS – Free open source software implementation of the popular Nessus vulnerability assessment system.

  • Vuls – Agentless vulnerability scanner for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD, written in Go.

Web Exploitation #

  • Fiddler – Free cross-platform web debugging proxy with user-friendly companion tools.

  • Burp Suite – One of the Hacking Tools ntegrated platform for performing security testing of web applications.

  • Autochrome – Easy to install a test browser with all the appropriate setting needed for web application testing with native Burp support, from NCCGroup.

  • Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) – Command and control server for delivering exploits to commandeered Web browsers.

  • Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF) – Python-based framework for pentesting Web applications based on the OWASP Testing Guide.

  • WordPress Exploit Framework – Ruby framework for developing and using modules which aid in the penetration testing of WordPress powered websites and systems.

  • WPSploit – Exploit WordPress-powered websites with Metasploit.

  • SQLmap – Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool.

  • Tplmap – Automatic server-side template injection and Web server takeover Hacking Tools .

  • Weevely3 – Weaponized web shell.

  • Wappalyzer – Wappalyzer uncovers the technologies used on websites.

  • WhatWeb – Website fingerprinter.

  • BlindElephant – Web application fingerprinter.

  • wafw00f – Identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products.

  • Fimap – Find, prepare, audit, exploit and even Google automatically for LFI/RFI bugs.

  • Kadabra – Automatic LFI exploiter and scanner.

  • Kadimus – LFI scan and exploit tool.

  • Liffy – LFI exploitation tool.

  • Commix – Automated all-in-one operating system command injection and exploitation tool.

  • DVCS Ripper – Rip web accessible (distributed) version control systems: SVN/GIT/HG/BZR.

  • GitTools – One of the Hacking Tools that Automatically find and download Web accessible .git repositories.

  • Sslstrip – One of the Hacking Tools Demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks.

  • sslstrip2 – SSLStrip version to defeat HSTS.

  • NoSQLmap – Automatic NoSQL injection and database takeover tool.

  • VHostScan – A virtual host scanner that performs reverse lookups, can be used with pivot tools, detect catch-all scenarios, aliases and dynamic default pages.

  • FuzzDB – Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery.

  • EyeWitness – Tool to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify default credentials if possible.

  • Webscreenshot – A simple script to take screenshots of list of websites.

Web Scanners #

  • Nikto – Noisy but fast black box web server and web application vulnerability scanner.

  • Arachni – Scriptable framework for evaluating the security of web applications.

  • w3af – Hacking Tools for Web application attack and audit framework.

  • Wapiti – Black box web application vulnerability scanner with built-in fuzzer.

  • SecApps – In-browser web application security testing suite.

  • WebReaver – Commercial, graphical web application vulnerability scanner designed for macOS.

  • WPScan – Hacking Tools of Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.

  • Cms-explorer – Reveal the specific modules, plugins, components and themes that various websites powered by content management systems are running.

  • Joomscan – on of the best Hacking Tools for Joomla vulnerability scanner.

  • ACSTIS – Automated client-side template injection (sandbox escape/bypass) detection for AngularJS.

Windows Utilities #

  • Sysinternals Suite – The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities.

  • Windows Credentials Editor – Inspect logon sessions and add, change, list, and delete associated credentials, including Kerberos tickets.

  • Mimikatz – Credentials extraction tool for Windows operating system.

  • PowerSploit – PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework.

  • Windows Exploit Suggester – Detects potential missing patches on the target.

  • Responder – LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoner.

  • Bloodhound – Graphical Active Directory trust relationship explorer.

  • Empire – Pure PowerShell post-exploitation agent.

  • Fibratus – Tool for exploration and tracing of the Windows kernel.

  • wePWNise – Generates architecture independent VBA code to be used in Office documents or templates and automates bypassing application control and exploit mitigation software.

  • redsnarf – Post-exploitation tool for retrieving password hashes and credentials from Windows workstations, servers, and domain controllers.

  • Magic Unicorn – Shellcode generator for numerous attack vectors, including Microsoft Office macros, PowerShell, HTML applications (HTA), or certutil (using fake certificates).

  • DeathStar – Python script that uses Empire’s RESTful API to automate gaining Domain Admin rights in Active Directory environments.

Wireless Network Hacking #

  • Aircrack-ng – Set of Penetration testing & Hacking Tools list for auditing wireless networks.

  • Kismet – Wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS.

  • Reaver – Brute force attack against WiFi Protected Setup.

  • Wifite – Automated wireless attack tool.

  • Fluxion – Suite of automated social engineering based WPA attacks.